When you think of biker gangs, you think of big, burly men with tattoos and beards. When it comes to this group of guys, you're right about their outward appearance, but don't read a book by its cover!

Rescue Ink was a prominent biker gang between 2008 to 2014. They found a niche in cruelty cases that law enforcement simply couldn't tackle. If a dog had a "proper" shelter per the wording of the law, law enforcement couldn't seize a dog left in the cold. But the bikers would either convince the owner to surrender the dog, or even better, build or buy a better cold weather doghouse.
The men made agreements with numerous rescues and veterinarians and were a valuable resource in some pretty heinous cases. For instance, they've investigated and broken up dog fighting circuits, puppy mills in which people were mass producing purebred puppies for drug money, a person who tried to poison a colony of cats and even a serial cat killer. The group consisted of bikers, ex-bodybuilders, power-lifting champions, former military personnel, police detectives, and lawyers. Guys who had an intimidation factor and knowledge of the law so that they could walk the fine edge of legality to save as many abused and neglected animals as possible.
The group wasn't all brawn and muscle. They also had big hearts. They managed to stay within the boundaries of the law, cooperate with police and handle over 1,000 emails and up to 250 phone calls every day. They've rescued everything from dogs and cats to horses and a boa constrictor. One member went as far as taking a kitten wherever he went because he had to bottle feed it every couple of hours. A spokesperson for the organization was once quoted as saying "Some people like to think of us as superheroes. The truth is, we are super animal lovers (and protectors). Through the years, and through many caseloads, obstacles, and downright challenges, we remain strong and dedicated to our mission."
If you supported this group and their mission, please leave a like and share!
scott callahan says
Damn, you guys have got it going on!
Name is Scott Callahan
Joanne Grissinger says
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for doing the work you guys do to protect our most precious gifts from God
Chris says
This is a group full of Angel Lover's
Animal lover says
Thank you all for everything you do for the animals ❤. I wish there were more people like you in the world! Your wives or girlfriends are very lucky to have a REAL man who cares for the completely innocent.
Love to you all! Animal lover in Colorado
Brenda Stone says
Great group and very proud of them!
Ed Shell says
I was part of a club/organization years ago called Equine Rescue in Sarasota FL Our primary mission was to rescue horses but we ran the gambit: horses dogs a tiger a lion etc…. Alway had a love for,animals. Never hunted in my life but let an unwelcome intruder come into my house and …
Sandy Coatney says
I am a big fan....you need to have an address where we can send a little $$ when we can. These guys ROCK!
Debra Albright says
I agree. It's a great organization to give to.
Marci Franklin says
thank you May God's grace be upon all of you for doing good.
Donna says
You guys are awesome. Thank you for what you are doing! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Russ says
All of you are the best. I admire your efforts to save lives. Plus, even tough men have sensitive hearts. Great job.
Chevs Goodhind says
Brilliant well done to all off you doing a great job.
Cecelia Samet says
This is exactly what we need all over the US. The men are getting involved and taking care of business. You should not judge a book by the cover. We should see what is in someone's heart.
Esther says
Ditto to what everyone else has said. Your physical presence will hopefully encourage these scum to stay think twice. There are tons of puppy mills in Missouri. You might want to check them out. One of the worst states in the country. Thank you from the hearts of the helpless and voiceless. ❤️
Lottie says
I am so proud of you men. I remember the quote “YOU CANNOT TELL A BOOK BY IT’S COVER’
Donna from OZ says
I just wish you guys where here in Australia, we need you guys desperately to break up the fighting rings here in OZ. Do you have any connections to bikers here that would band together to save our furbabies, they need you help, you are angels......God bless you all, our furbabies thank you!🐕🐩🐶🐱🐈⬛🐈🐎
Melanie Kiprakis says
Omg you guys make my heart melt. Thank you for helping so many helpless animals
cheryl says
I wish they were still out there, why did they stop in 2014? We need to get some local residents to create this type of rescue group here in the south. SC is in desperate need of help as many counties do not have the funds for animal control officers nor do they prosecute many that are neglecting or abusing animals, and dog fighting in still predominate here. Many dogs are stolen or "adopted" and used to fight or worse as bait dogs for the dog fights. We need SC Rescue Ink in a BIG way!
Eliisa Paivi Kangasniemi says
I thank the Good Lord that there are people like you out there as there are too many animal abusers out and God bless you all!
Lynda McConnell says
Where can I get a rescue ink t-shirt? The one I have has too many holes!
Sheila Therrien says
What a beautiful thing all of yous are doing for these poor helpless animals god bless yous guys
Katherine says
There are many males in this world, but not enough men! Someone who is big, strong and tough and uses that to protect the helpless and weak is a MAN!
These Gentlemen are MEN! Much respect!
Deb says
God bless you guys for helping these creatures 💕
Robin says
What an uplifting story and thank you! God did send angels to help our beautiful pets…wish we had a group like yourselves to rescue children … God Bless 🐶🦓🐈⬛🐕🐕🦺
Kim Samms says
Thank you gentlemen for being defenders of the innocent and voiceless. Please keep up your good works. 🙏
Glenda Bryant says
Watched their show, then was blessed to meet them at the fair in Rahway, NJ. Really a group of true courageous men. Would love to donate again when in town.
Kristina says
A true lesson in compassion and not judging a book by its cover. Looking up this organization now. I would love to support this group of REAL men and am so glad there are people out there working together to help these innocent animals.
Anita says
There are hero’s and there is also someone who walks in Grace. That is who you are. Keep your light shinning. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Laura Rainey says
Aww guys thats brilliant keep up the good work...
Mrs Margaret Ann Churcher. says
God bless you all. What a fantastic group of guys you are.