Cane Corso is an ancient Italian breed, a direct descendant of the ancient Roman Molossus. It was used to fight in arenas with other dogs, bears or bulls, and also served as a guard breed. In the 19th century, when the system of agriculture and farming changed, these dogs were no longer needed and the breed almost became extinct.

The Cane Corso is an affectionate, intelligent, and majestic dog who will stand up resolutely to protect his master, his family, and his property if danger threatens, but otherwise ignores strangers and is not aggressive. Cane Corso loves children, enjoys playing with them, and loves to cuddle. Because he has a high pain threshold, he can withstand wilder games and if the game gets out of hand, the Cane Corso will simply walk away.
The great family dog, but not for inexperienced dog owners, needs firm guidance and consistent education from the puppy age. Unless you set clear boundaries for him, he will struggle to control the household. Early socialization is also necessary. A properly socialized Cane Corso should be indifferent and react protectively only when there is a real threat.
When you bring this amazing family protector to your home, a hard task is coming next. How to name this beautiful giant dog?
By the size? His nature, origin? Don't worry. We made lists of great names ideas for your pup.
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Popular names
This list contains the most popular and widely used names for the Italian Mastiff breed Cane Corso.
- Kratos
- Riley
- Ruby
- Arya
- Mocha
- Sophie
- Lily
- Hanzo
- Vader
- Duke
- Annabelle
- Roxy
- Ella
- Nova
- Belle
- Major
- Titan
- Kong
- Aries
- Rex
- Smokey
- Nina
- Grace
- Luigi
- Diesel
- Cookie
- Drago
- Dixie
- Kobe
- Luna
- Rose
- Elsa
- Nala
- Oscar
- Kane
- Charlie
- Bailey
- Cleo
- Venus
- Tito
- Tex
- Ruth
- Milo
- Marley
- Cora
- Saint
- Storm
- Diamond
- Beau
- Blaze
- Teddy
- Titus
- Luca
- Skye
- Buddy
- Zoe
- Caesar
- Emma
- Gus
- Royal
- Bella
- Rocky
- Willow
- Daisy
- Doc
- Goliath
- Romeo
- Maui
- Buddha
- Baby
- Leo
- Rogue
- Prince
- Loki
- Gigi
- Ghost
- Groot
- Simba
- Frankie
- Midnight
- Violet
- Hank
- Storm
- Blu
- Queen
- Rocco
- Abby
- Chloe
- Bruno
- Apollo
- Axel
- Bagheera
- Lucy
- Aurora
- Rambo
- Maggie
- Frank
- Grizzly
- Freya
- Tyson
- Ivy
- Blu
- Ace
- Dante
- Charlie
- Ginger
- Bear
- Sage
- Aries
- Lola
- Jax
- Molly
- Pepper
- Winston
- Harper
- Rocko
- King
- Anna
- Ellie
- Chief
- Diva
- Lady
- Stormi
- Olive
- Ash
- Bruce
- Princess
- Atlas
- Kai
- Stormy
- Mason
- Max
- Chewy
- Moose
- Poppy
- Phoenix
- Louie
- Tank
- Lucia
- Brutus
- Thor
- Piper
- Samson
- Rosie
- Beast
- Stella
- Thanos
- Tucker
- Birdie
- Mazikeen
- Coco
Italian names with meanings
Cane Corso is a descendant of Italian molasses and it's still very popular in Italy. A very good way to name your big pup by Origin names. Unique names, check them out, of course with meanings.
Female Italian names
- Fata: Fairy
- Bomba: Bomb
- Fiamma: Flame
- Spilla: Pin
- Polpetta: Meatball
- Roccia: Rock
- Alba: Sunrise
- Gemma: Gem
- Bobina: Coil
- Neve: Snow
- Rosa: Pink
- Sole: Sun
- Bianca: White
- Muffa: Mold
- Dolce: Sweet
- Foglia: Leaf
- Italia: Italy
- Perla: Pearl
- Oliva: Olive
- Zecca: Mint
- Pietra: Stone
- Giada: Jade
- Nuvola: Cloud
- Gioia: Joy
- Biglia: Marble
- Molla: Spring
- Piuma: Feather
- Luce: Light
- Diva: Diva
- Chica: Girl
- Pelosa: Furry
- Molletta: Clothespin
- Zanna: Tusk
- Pulce (unisex): Flea
- Gilda: Guild
- Boa: Buoy
- Spugna: Sponge
- Mia: Mine
- Ciliegia: Cherry
- Pipa: Pipe
- Pallina: Ball
- Luna: Moon
- Riga: Line
- Bimba: Little girl
- Nebbia: Fog
- Bella: Beautiful
- Música: Music
- Dea: Goddess
- Pillola: Pill
- Toppa: Patch
- Fede: Faith
- Fiore: Flower
- Armonía: Harmony
- Crema: Cream
- Borchia: Stud
- Cartuccia: Cartridge
- Dama: Lay
- Stella: Star
Male Italian names
- Birillo: Pin
- Bello: Beautiful
- Quarto: Fourth
- Tobia: Tobias
- Sci: Ski
- Spillo: Pin
- Bullone: Bold
- Peloso: Hairy
- Elio: Helium
- Ulisse: Ulysses
- Pietro: Peter
- Fulvo: Fawn
- Scotch: Scotch tape
- Vinile: Vinyl
- Fido: Trust
- Icaro: Icarus
- Orazio: Horace
- Paride: Paris
- Origano: Origan
- Corallo: Coral
- Baffo: Mustache
- Pirata: Pirate
- Leo: Leo
- Augusto: August
- Caio: Gaius
- Elia: Elijah
- Olaf: Olaf
- Ferro: Iron
- Diego: Diego
- Filo: Wire
- Leone: Lion
- Soldo: Money
- Paolo: Paul
- Fusto: Stem
- Kiwi: Kiwi
- Giove: Jupiter
- Pulce (unisex): Flea
- Coda: Tail
- Delfino: Dolphin
- Amo: I love
- Quinto: Fifth
- Timoteo: Timothy
- Biscotto: Cookie
- Pallino: Shot
- Zippo: Zippo
- Lino: Linen
- Giosuè: Joshua
- Tigre: Tiger
- Pippo: Foo
- Sale: Salt
- Corsaro: Corsaire
- Pelo: Fur
- Svevo: Swabian
- Edipo: Oedipus
- Sasso: Stone
- Orso: Bear
- Fiocco: Flake
- Cesare: Caesar
- Osso: Bone
- Oro: Gold
- Lauro: Laurel
- Elmo: Helmet
- Bimbo: Child
- Fulmine: Lighting
- Argo: Argon
- Tuono: Thunder
- Eco: Echo
- Primo: First
- Pepe: Pepper
Tough and Badass names
They're for sure one of thoughest and most baddas dog breed in the world. Just the history of the breed speak itself. And of course the look. Very large, muscle, athletic and baddas looking face say it all!
Female Tough names
- Trixie
- Cleo/Cleopatra
- Bertha
- Harley
- Juno
- Athena
- Lagertha
- Wonder women
- Pele
- Amazonia
- Night Witch
- Croft
- Valkyrie
- Amazon
- Tamara
- Amasol
- Joan of bark
- Sheba
- Arya
- Katniss
- Bonnie
- Kali
- Ronda
- Deep Blue
- Boudicca
- Moke
Male Tough names
- Cassius
- Atilla
- Tank
- Jupiter
- Storm
- Jesse James
- Sergeant
- Lenin
- Verus
- Ivan the terrible
- War
- Varg
- Ragnar
- Ceaser
- Hans Solo
- Laser
- Nemesis
- Flash
- Cage
- Fenrir-Greyback
- Arrow
- Mace
- Ax
- Bowser
- Brutus
- Ranger
- Soldier
- Fang
- General
- Snake
- Savage
- Bane
- Panther
- Danger
- Raven
- Viper
- Saladin
- Bear
- Terminator
- Dumbledor
- Courage
- Roman
- Hercules
- Rambo
- Atlas
- Ace
- Lionheart
- Wicky
- Priscus
- Gladiator
- Yoda
- Dagger
- John Wick
- Tetraites
- Butcher
- Ivar the boneless
- Panzer
- Odin
- Kane
- Predator
- Scaeva
- Snowdevil
- Riptide
- Pop smoke
- Hannibal
- Hermes
- Ubba
- Bronx
- Puller
- Victor
- Bandit
- Vulcan
- Deisel
- Maximus
- Serg
- Napoleon
- Mulan
- Dragon
- Griffin
- Crixus
- Ares
- Snape
- Rasputin
- Alastar
- Vlad
- Jason
- Ninja
- Thane
- Marcus
- Chesty
- Loki
- Beast
- Commodus
- Deathstalker
- Hermes
- Banshee
- Scout
- Captian
- Anubis
- Marcus
- Jaws
- Conan
- Alejandro
- Thor
- Thanos
- Patton
- Python
- Chaos
- Lucho
- Tarzan
- Vader
- Zsearksis
- Onyx
- Leonidas/Leo
- Hades
- Stonewall
- Merlin
- Rage
- Flamma
- Gatling
- Red-Cloud
- Shadow
- Voldemort
- Genghis Khan
- Cerberus
- Bond
- Bones
- Blitz
- Bjørn
- Mars
Big names for Big dog
Big and tall stature. Huge head, athletic and strong. Great ideas for a name.
Big female names
- Thea
- Indigo
- Fallon
- Nakita
- Althea
- Phoebe
- Panda
- Electra
- Mariah
- Natasha
- Echo
- Makenzie
- Harper
- Denali
- Daisy Duke
- Kali
- Malibu
- Sage
- Damaris
- Amaris
- Banshee
- Savannah
- Akiva
- Sasha
- Abigail
- Nadia
- Olympia
- Persephone
- Quin
- Acadia
- Gaia
- Delia
- Shiva
- Paris
- Octavia
- Taka
- Talia
- Casey
- Queen
- Elsa
- Alexa
- Cairo
- Venus
- Fergie
- Lakota
- Gemini
- Bess
- Kaya
- Scout
- Kefira
- Basha
- Reese
- Harley
- Shebear
- Cersei
- Hannah
- Calista
- Kamala
- Tess
- Rayne
- Medea
- Nayla
Big male names
- Ragnarok
- Gandalf
- Jericho
- Xerxes
- Radar
- General
- Ozzie
- Hack
- Fang
- Yogi
- Yukon
- Tank
- Odysseus
- Theodore
- Maximillian
- Chopper
- Cargo
- Balto
- Nanook
- Baron
- Hannibal
- Woodrow
- Ranger
- Mars
- Dempsey
- Winston
- Tarzan
- Hercules
- Sampson
- Adonis
- Ace
- Raider
- Wolverine
- Achilles
- Mannix
- Admiral
- Warrior
- Mac
- Keno
- Ninja
- Saber
- Zander
- Yeti
- Remington
- Zack
- Leo
- Oberon
- Jack
- Dakota
- Laird
- Barnabas
- Kaine
- Lazarus
Cute names
All dogs are cute a lovely. This can be a very unique way to name your Cane Corso. We know, they're all just big pups.
- Stella
- Rhubarb
- Peaches
- Twinkie
- Pumpkin
- Pansy
- Marley
- Sophie
- Sadie
- Pancakes
- Tillie
- Rosie
- Sugar
- Queenie
- Nessie
- Molly
- Poppy
- Nala
Names based on Coat colors
A variety of coat colors can give you ideas for names too. Check these out!
- Magic
- Panther
- Galaxy
- Crow
- Cocoa
- Valkyrie
- Viper
- Ash
- Agate
- Jaguar
- Knight
- Shade
- Shadow
- Night
- Licorice
- Ebony
- Hershey
- Lucifer
- Smokey
- Eclipse
- Stormy
- Dark Lord
- Inky
- Rain
- Jett
- Vader
- Bat
- Daemon
- Bart
- Charcoal
- Midnight
- Bandit
- Mystery
- Cinder
- Goth
- Hawk
- Onyx
- Ozzy
- Dusk
- Hades
- Blackberry
- Black Jack
- Coffee
- Blackbeard
- Ember
- Zorro
- Blackout
- Darkness
- Darth
- Reaper
- Vlad
- Brandy
- Oakley
- Winnie
- Sandy
- Whiskey
- Chocolate
- Maple
- Copper
- Toffee
- Truffles
- Bagel
- Guinness
- Pepper
- Mango
- Goldie
- Muffin
- Hershey
- Foxy
- Waffles
- Pumpkin
- Brownie
- Honey
- Cookie
- Biscuit
- Moose
- Nugget
- Sunny
- Mochi
- Caramel
- Snickers
- Mocha
- Peanut
- Chai
- Slater
- Silver
- Coal
- Perse
- Grady
- Grayson
- Sterling
- Dusty
- Carbon
- Graycie
- Twinkle
- Ashton
- Smudge
- Silverman
- Ash
- Ember
- Chrome
- Periwinkle
- Disco
- Ashey
- Pewter
- Phoenix
- Earl Grey
- Hazel
- Heather
- Cinder
- Silverbell
- Tinsel
- Kelabu
- Cindra
- Slate
- Granite
- Stone
- Stoney
- Grey
- Ashley
- Mercury
- Shadow
- Lola
- Daisy
- Cooper
- Bentley
- Buddy
- Freckles
- Charlie
- Molly
- Sadie
- Speckles
- Inky
- Pixel
- Camo
- Tiger
- Luna
- Dot
- Bella
- Lucy
- Mosaic
- Max
- Marble
- Bailey
- Pebbles
- Stella
- Patches
- Tucker
We're happy for helping you picking up the right name for your badass pup. Please, check out our other great name ideas bellow!
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