When Reddit user, “Vechrotex,” captured a photo of an adorable fox cub looking through the sliding glass door of his Grandmother’s house, he didn’t know how captivating the little critter would become.
Fox are fairly common in wooded areas of Illinois so sightings are not very unusual. But since fox are relatively shy creatures, it is unusual is for them to visit a residence more than once or bring friends.

But that is exactly what happened with this tiny fox cub. The next day the fox returned with a sibling and began playing on grandma’s porch. They returned day after day to have fun and charm Vechrotex and grandma.
Mother fox carefully watches their antics from her hiding place in the bushes and when she thinks they have enough, she guides them back to their den.
Seemingly from a fairy tale, this fox family is adorable and we’re grateful to Vechrotex for taking the time to take pictures and share them with the world.
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