Italy is home to nearly 30 dog breeds. These breeds have different shapes, colors, and temperaments. They have been developed to fulfill different functions.
Whether they were strong working dogs, sporting agile or fierce breeds. Some of them have reached the whole world, for example, Saint Bernard, the Neapolitan Mastiff, the Cane Corso which almost became extinct in the 20th century.
These species are huge dog breeds, that belong to one of the biggest and strongest dogs in the world. But of course, we also have breeds of smaller, literally small stature like the Volpino, the Maltese. They are very temperamental and energetic breeds.

So, what to call the puppy of these wonderful breeds? Well, it's not an easy task. Sure, you can give them a classic dog name, but why not use their origin, and be inspired by the original Italian names?
We know, not so easy, so that's why we've created lists of names from which you can take inspiration. Of course, these names are not only for Italian dog breeds but for any other. If you have an Italian origin, or just like the Italian culture and their way of life, these lists of Italian names will certainly help you find the right name for your puppy.
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Female dog names
Look at this list, and I am sure you can pick some really cool and interesting Italian names for your girl.
Natala: Born at Christmas |
Catarina: Pure |
Teresa: Harvester |
Trista: Sad |
Adelina: Nobility |
Elisa: God is my oath |
Perla: Pearl |
Martina: Mars |
Anita: Grace |
Melissa: Bee |
Ginerva: Fair one; white shadow |
Iniga: Fiery |
Camila: Young; virginal |
Sofia: Wisdom |
Contessa: Royalty |
Elena: Light |
Madonna: My lady |
Stella: Star |
Giada: Jade |
Alicia: Noble one |
Arianna: Chaste or holy |
Giovanna: Gift from God |
Rosetta: Little rose |
Mia: Wished for child |
Ghita: Pearl |
Elda: Warrior |
Silvana: Forest |
Baptiste: After John the Baptist |
Gia: God’s gracious gift |
Ramona: Protecting hands; protector |
Gemma: Jewel |
Celia: Heaven |
Octavia: Born eight |
Roma: From Rome |
Esta: From the east |
Alessia: Defender |
Pia: Pious |
Dona: Lady |
Sara: Princess |
Alessandra: Defender of human |
Constanza: Constant |
Asia: Sunrise or east |
Sienna: Orange; red; name of an Italian city |
Federica: Peaceful ruler |
Virginia: Pure |
Mariella: Sea of bitterness |
Isabella: Consecrated to God |
Abriana: Feminine form of Abraham |
Irene: Peace |
Paola: Small |
Carmela: Garden |
Dolce: Sweet |
Pippa: Lover of horses |
Adriana: Dark |
Vittoria: Victory |
Angela: Angel |
Rosalie: Rose |
Ilaria: Cheerful; happy |
Rachelle: Lamb |
Violet: Flower |
Noemi: Pleasantness |
Rebecca: Join or tie together |
Benedetta: Blessed |
Emilia: Rival |
Leonora: Light |
Serena: Serene; tranquil |
Cerelia: Fertile |
Cadenza: Rhythmic |
Renata: Rebirth |
Valentina: Brave |
Vita: Life |
Allegra: Joyful |
Lunetta: Little moon |
Rufina: Red-haired |
Cara: Beloved friend |
Bianca: White |
Olivia: Olive |
Cira: The sun |
Nicola: People’s victory |
Guiliana: Youthful |
Olympia: From Olympus |
Pietra: Rock |
Anna: Beautiful grace |
Aria: air; song or melody |
Nicia: People’s victory |
Amalea: Hard-working |
Liliana: Lily |
Cameo: Sculptured jewel |
Verona: Truth |
Ludovica: Famous in war |
Ilina: My God is Yahweh |
Grazia: Grace |
Chiara: Light; clear |
Volante: Flying |
Regina: Queen |
Francesca: Free one |
Amore: Love |
Agnella: Pure |
Flavia: Blond |
Bella: Beautiful |
Aida: Happy |
Antonia: Priceless |
Carlotta: Strong |
Viviana: Alive |
Miriam: Princess or lady |
Belinda: Serpentine |
Clariss: Clear |
Alonza: Battle-ready |
Elisabetta: God of plenty |
Frita: Beautiful; beloved |
Gabriella: God-given strength |
Giorgia: Feminine form of George |
Mirabella: Wonderous beauty |
Verdette: Guardian |
Aletta: Winged |
Bambi: Child |
Mercedes: Merciful |
Nocciolina: Peanut |
Florence: City in Italy |
Fausta: Lucky |
Gaia: Earth |
Laura: Satisfactory; sufficient |
Simona: One who hears |
Belladonna: Beautiful lady |
Zaza: Belonging to all |
Caprice: Fanciful |
Mona: Lady |
Donatella: Given by God |
Maria: Bitter; sea of sorrow |
Matilde: Powerful in battle |
Fortuna: Fortune; fortunate |
Zeta: Born last |
Greta: Pearl |
Devina: Beloved; divine; heavenly |
Marta: Lady |
Bruna: Dark-haired |
Bria: Liveliness, animated, or vigorous |
Valeria: Valor; strength |
Nives: Be as white as snow |
Piapious: Female |
Eleonora: Shining light |
Aurora: Luminous; dazzling |
Leola: Lion |
Carina: Beloved one |
Margherita: Daisy |
Audria: Love |
Beatricia: Blesses |
Emma: Whole or universal |
Agata: Kind |
Male dog names
These Italian names will make your dog badass. Look at the meaning of them. Pretty cool i'll say.
Bambino: Child |
Abramo: Father of a multitude |
Anastagio: Divine |
Topolino: Little mouse |
Romano: From Rome |
Cristoforo: Christ bearer |
Paolo: Little |
Piero: Rock |
Bravo: Good boy |
Raphael: An Italian painter and architect |
Taddeo: Courageous |
Giove: Jupiter |
Vito: The victor |
Armanno: Soldier |
Tino: Small |
Alfredo: Good counselor |
Bernardo: Brave as a bear |
Dante: Lasting |
Marco: Warning |
Pippino: He adds |
Apollo: Sun God |
Pasquale: Born of Passover |
John Paul: Pope |
Pelo: Fur |
Adriano: From Seaport of Adria |
Carlo: Manly |
Luigi: Famous warrior |
Nevio: Spotted |
Enrico: King |
Enzo: Rules the house |
Gino: Famous |
Tesoro: Treasure, darling |
Ferro: Iron |
Bacio: Kiss |
Ceasar: Roman General and leader |
Guido: Guide |
Gelato: Italian ice cream |
Pietro: Rock |
Roberto: Fame |
Demetrio: Loves the earth |
Marco Polo: Venetian merchant |
Bellissimo: Very beautiful |
Cesare: Longhair |
Michelangelo: Angel |
Vespa: Wasp; hornet |
Ugo: Intelligent |
Luciano: Light |
Romeo: Pilgrim from Rome |
Nero: Emperor of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty |
Leo: Lion |
Ernesto: Serious |
Marcello: Young warrior |
Dino: Little sword |
Baffi: Mustache |
Orlando: Heroic |
Colombo: Dove |
Antonio: Beyond praise |
Pino: Pinetree |
Como: A lake |
Pluto: Dwarf planet |
Prosecco: An Italian white wine |
Matteo: Gift of God |
Tommaso: Twin |
Amico: Friend |
Grazie: Thank you |
Marquise: A noble ranking |
Dolce: Sweet |
Mario: Bitter |
Guiseppe: He shall add |
Budino: A sweet Italian dish |
Alessandro: Defender of man |
Rocco: Rest |
Giuliano: Youthful |
Davide: Beloved |
Fulvio: Yellow |
Aldo: Rich |
Este: Originates from the east |
Gregario: Watchful |
Flavio: Blend |
Corrado: Bold; sage counselor |
Massimo: Great |
Leonardo: Bold lion |
Cane: Dog |
Fabio: Bean grower |
Benito: Blessed |
Franco: French |
Matador: Bull tamer |
Dario: Wealthy |
Faro: Lighthouse |
Vincenzo: Win or to conquer |
Donatello: Gift |
Arturo: Bear |
Renzo: Laurel |
Lanza: Lancer |
Nano: Dwarf runt |
Santo: Sacred; saint |
Ettore: Loyal |
Lupo: Wolf |
Egidio: Squire |
Polpetto: Meatball |
Ambrosi: Immortal |
Piccolo: Small |
Alberto: Nobel |
Gabbana: Creative man |
Federico: Peaceful ruler |
Giorgio: Farmer |
Aroghetto: Rules the estate |
Tito: Giant |
Brando: Brilliant raven |
Giovanni: Gift from God |
Bruno: Brown-haired |
Nicolo: Victorious; conqueror of the people |
Gustavo: Meditation staff |
Toro: Bull |
Ignazio: Fiery |
Elio: Sun, sunlight, and sunshine |
Emilio: To strive, excel, or rival |
Pio: Pious |
Cicero: Pea, chickpea, or lentil |
Arnaldo: Eagle |
Salvatore: Savior |
Arrigo: Rules the estate |
Caro: Dear |
Sergio: Attendant |
Geronimo: Sacred |
Alto: Tall |
Constantin: Firm |
Drago: Dragon |
Valentino: Brave |
Fiorello: Tiny flower |
Ruggero: Famous spear |
Zitto: Quiet |
Espresso: Concentrated coffee drink |
Ilario: Cheerful |
Elmo: Worthy to be loved |
Savio: Clever |
Vino: Wine |
Cannoli: Delicious Italian pastries |
Primo: Firstborn |
Aio: Teacher |
Stefano: Crown |
Ricardo: Firm ruler |
Angelo: Angel |
Gavino: White hawk |
Rinaldo: Wise and powerful |
Sorriso: Smile |
Cucciolo: Puppy, cub, or baby animal |
Cario: Caring |
Foodie names inspired by Italian cuisine
If you're foodie like me, these names will bright your day, anytime you call your meatball:)
Names inspired by Italian Cars
Italy is known for its exotic cars. Their names are always exciting to anyone who has a love for exotic and unique cars. Maybe this is the right way to name your pup.
Inspired by Italian Locations
Italy! A country so rich in history and beautiful landscapes. Let yourself be inspired by famous cities, parts of the countryside and every time you call your doggo, you'll remember your hometown or the great memories from your holidays.
Famous artist ones!
Don't forget that Italy is also known for its artistic history. It has been home to many incredibly talented artists who have made their mark on the history of mankind with their works. Be inspired!
Italy is known for
We're happy for helping your picking up the right name for your lovely pup, Please, check out our other great name ideas bellow!
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