Are you getting a German breed puppy or dog? Dogs are lovable, loyal, brave canine companions for life. Picking the right name isn't an easy task, because the name should fit dog nature, size, color, or origin.
Getting a german pup is a great idea, they're one of the best dog breeds in the world. German shepherds, Doberman, Rottweiler, or many more are great family companions or working dogs.
Getting inspired by origin is a great idea to make your dog stand out. Of course, these names aren't only for german dog breeds, you can choose one for any other breed if it fits.
Check our dog name ideas for your pooch, of course with meaning. Enjoy!
Popular names
The following is a list of the most popular German dog names. We're sure, these names give you pretty good ideas. Check them out!
- Ada – noble, nobility
- Liesel – pledged to God
- Trudy – spear of strength
- Sofie – wisdom
- Zelda – gray fighting maid
- Bernadette – brave as a bear
- Leona – lioness
- Ursula – little female bear
- Heidi – of noble birth
- Amelia – work
- Greta – also pearl
- Ida – industrious one
- Fritzi – also peaceful ruler
- Anka – purse
- Gretchen – pearl
- Mischa – who is like God
- Elsa – pledged to God
- Lola – lady of sorrows
- Annette – the Lord has favored me
- Britta – strength or exalted one
- Ella – all, completely; fairy maiden
- Caroline – free man
- Claudia – enclosure
- Addie – also noble, nobility
- Beatrix – she who brings happiness
- Wanda – shepherdess; wanderer
- Brunhilde – armed for battle
- Hilda – battle woman
- Frederika – peaceful ruler
- Frieda – also peaceful ruler
- Ava – life
- Emma – universal
- Millie – gentle strength
- Marta – lady
- Baldwin – brave friend
- Bach – dweller near the brook
- Albert – noble, bright
- Kaiser – emperor
- Arlo – unknown
- Roland – famous throughout the land
- Emmet – universal, truth
- Albern – white
- Siegfried – victorious peace
- Wolfgang – traveling wolf
- Rudolph/Rudy – also famous wolf
- Ernie/Ernest/Ernst – serious, resolute
- Otto – wealthy
- Felix – happy, fortunate
- Schwartz – black hair or dark complexion
- Heinrich – home of the king
- Bernard – strong, brave as a bear
- Leonard – brave lion
- Franz – free man
- August – great, magnificent
- Stein – stone
- Bruno – brown
- Axel – father of peace
- Raymond – wise protector
- Sigmund – victorious protection
- Dirk – also the people’s ruler
- Fritz – also peaceful ruler
- Walter – army ruler
- Heinz – also home of the king
- Aldo – old and wise
- Gunther – bold warrior
- Alvin – noble friend, friend of the elves
- Max – the greatest
- Adler – eagle
- Dedrick – the people’s ruler
- Ulf – wolf
- Hans – God is gracious
- Alphonse – noble, ready for battle
- Claus/Klaus – people of vistory
- Waldo – to rule
- Arnold – ruler, strong as an eagle
- Adolph – noble wolf
- Frederik – peaceful ruler
- Albrecht – also means noble, bright
- Rolf – famous wolf
- Dieter – ruler of the people
- Alger – clever warrior
Good geman names
Another huge list for your fluffball. More names, more options.
- Alisha (Of Excellent Qualities)
- Mina (Short of Wilhelmina, meaning Will-Helmet)
- Gretel (Pet Name for Grete)
- Svenja (Swan)
- Sibylle (Prophetess)
- Kunigunde (Brave War)
- Elvira (Closed Up)
- Madde (Mighty in Battle)
- Frederica (Peaceful Ruler)
- Katinka (See Kathrin)
- Xochiquetzal (Flower Feather)
- Helga (Pious)
- Heidi (Noble & Kind)
- Uta (Fortunate Maiden of Battle)
- Wigburg (War Protection)
- Walburga (See Walburg)
- Ima (See Imke)
- Xylia (Of the Forest)
- Wanda (Wanderer)
- Wilfreda (Desires Peace)
- Xanthippe (Yellow Horse)
- Wilhelmine (See Wilhelmina)
- Chloris (Pale)
- Tabea (German pet Tabitha, meaning Female Gazelle)
- Xandi (See Xandrah)
- Teresia (Harvester)
- Adelaide (Noble, Serene)
- Anamchara (Soul Mate)
- Aubrey (Noble)
- Xanthe (Yellow or Fair Hair)
- Jutte (See Jutta)
- Annette (Form of Anne)
- Adele (See Adelaide)
- Odilia (See Oda)
- Jarvia (Spear-Keen)
- Frederika (Peaceful Ruler, Queen)
- Rosalind (Lovely Rose, here means ‘weak horse’)
- Raina (Mighty)
- Magda (Of Magdala, A woman, Cleansed of sin by Jesus)
- Millicent (Industrious)
- Klara (Clear, Bright)
- Alison (Of Noble Birth)
- Rosamund (Hence it means horse-protection)
- Adelina (Noble)
- Anke (Form of Anne)
- Idonia (Industrious)
- Margareta (See Margarete)
- Ulli (See Uli)
- Ida (Hard Working)
- Selma (Divine Helmet)
- Ella (Beautiful Fairy)
- Sommer (Summer)
- Kreszenz (See Kreszentia)
- Liesel (See Liese)
- Walda (See Waldo)
- Susanne (lily)
- Rike (Short of Friederike, See Friederike)
- Malwine (Smooth-Brow)
- Leona (Brave As A Lioness)
- Reinhilde (Battle Counsel)
- Trudy (Form Of Gertrude)
- Quirina (Feminine form of Quirinus, Meaning “Spear”)
- Liese (Beloved Of God)
- Xun (Fast, Sudden)
- Ostara (German Goddess, Spring-time)
- Otthild (Battle of Fortune)
- Zella (Petit Form of Marcella)
- Ortrun (Point-Rune)
- Marlis (See Mareike, sometimes meaning God is my oath)
- Irmgard (Entirely Protected)
- Ute (Female of Udo meaning Child)
- Rosamond (Variant spelling of Rosamund)
- Sigi (Short of Sieglinde)
- Ricarda (Female Ricardo)
- Mitzi (See Mirjam)
- Kreszentia (To Spring Up, Grow, Thrive)
- Roderica (Famous One)
- Gabi (Hero of God)
- Odila (Variant spelling of Odilia)
- Rolanda (See Roland)
- Nixie (Water Sprite/Fairy)
- Waltraud (Foreign Strength)
- Analiese (See Analiese)
- Yvette (Female cut wood)
- Mariel (Form Of Mary)
- Hedwig (Refuge in Battle)
- Ilsa (God is My Oath)
- Ivonette (Yew Tree)
- Arabelle (Beautiful Eagle)
- Swanhilda (See Swanhild)
- Kätharina (See Katarine)
- Xavia (Short form of Xaviera, Meaning “Rare”)
- Xue (Snow or Study, Learning)
- Romey (Rose & obstinate, Rebellious)
- Ivonne (See Ivonette)
- Ricardo (Powerful Ruler)
- Romy (Short of Rosemarie)
- Wiebke (Female of Wiebe, meaning War)
- Richelle (Brave One, Powerful Ruler)
- Kristel (German for Christine)
- Mirjam (Determination, Disobedience or Revolt)
- Minnie (See Mina)
- Uschi (Little She-Bear)
- Xuân (Spring)
- Mine (See Mina)
- Gisa (Short for Giselle)
- Porsche (Pig)
- Adalia (God is my Refuge)
- Waldi (See Walda)
- Ottilia (Female of Otto, See Otto)
- Unna (Woman)
- Schwanhild (Swan Battle)
- Edwina (Prosperous Friend)
- Gertrude (Beloved Warrior)
- Odelia (See Odell)
- Gretchen (Little Pearl)
- Greta (Pearl)
- Xena (Popular Culture)
- Walborg (Salvation of Slain in Battle)
- Marthe (A Lady)
- Swanhilde (Variant spelling of Swanhilda)
- Liesa (See Lene)
- Yseult (Female ruler of ice)
- Leyna (Little Angel)
- Luann (Graceful Warrior)
- Louis (Famous Warrior)
- Yvonne (See Yvette)
- Xochitl (Flower)
- Quiana (See Qiana)
- Galiana (Supreme One)
- Nordica (From The North)
- Qiana (American name, means “Silk-Like”, fit for German Spitz)
- Frida / Frieda (Dove. Joy, Peace)
- Vala (Singled Out)
- Ula (Pearl)
- Leni (Little Angel)
- Kriemhilde (Variant spelling of Kriemhild)
- Malorie (Army Counselor)
- Marthe (Lady, Mistress)
- Mariele (See Mareike)
- Lilo (See Lili)
- Sieglinde (victory-gentle)
- Senta (Short of Kreszentia, meaning to grow, thrive)
- Margret (Form Of Margaret)
- Marelda (Great Warrior)
- Zelinda (Shield Of Victory)
- Wilma (Of Wilhelmina)
- Sofie (Sweet)
- Ilsa (Variation of Elizabeth)
- Magdalene (See Magdalena)
- Quianna (Variant of Quiana)
- Rosemarie (Rose & obstinate, Rebellious)
- Udo (Child, Prosperity, Wealth)
- Lotte (Short of Liselotte, meaning “God is my oath)
- Meike (See Mareike)
- Lutgard (Spear)
- Juliane (Descended from Jupiter, Jove)
- Valda (Governess and Ruler)
- Elsbeth (God’s Oath)
- Fritzi (Pet Name for Friederike)
- Senta (Assistant)
- Wilda (Wild)
- Grau (Grey)
- Roland (From the Great Land)
- Grizelda (Iron-Like)
- Henrietta (Ruler of Home)
- Kinge (Brave War)
- Dame (Lady)
- Susi (A Lily)
- Dustin (Valiant Fighter)
- Edelweiss (Snow, White)
- Cecancia (Free)
- Rolanda (Famous In the Land)
- Lene (Torch)
- Adelle (Form Of Adelaide)
- Lieselotte (My Oath is God)
- Ada (Form Of Adelaide)
- Alyson (See Alison)
- Dagmar (Joy)
- Delia (Form Of Adelaide)
- Angela (Similar to Angelus or Angel)
- Ebba (Strength)
- Annalise (See Analiese)
- Rosamund (Garden of Flowers)
- Hildegard (Battle)
- Serilda (Armed Maiden)
- Leni (See Lene)
- Magdalena (See Magda)
- Lore (See Lora)
- Hulda (Sweet, Lovable)
- Charlie (Charles, Charlotte)
- Andrea (Courage, Valor)
- Frieda (Peaceful)
- Ros (Horse-Protection)
- Ulrika (1. All Ruling 2. Wolf Ruler)
- Carolyn (Melody, Song)
- Xoana (Galician, Feminine form of John)
- Kerstin (Believer or follower of Christ)
- Greta (Variation of Margaret)
- Liebe (Love)
- Sieghild (Victory-Battle)
- Meta (Pearl)
- Adi (Noble, Kind)
- Gerda (Protection)
- Elke (Form Of Alice)
- Minna (Variant spelling of Mina)
- Gretchen (Pearl)
- Imelda (Warrior)
- Lies (God is my Oath)
- Xiomar (Famous in Battle)
- Mallory (Army Counselor)
- Theresia (See Teresia)
- Hexi (See Hexe)
- Adelle (Noble, Serene)
- Renate (Reborn)
- Giselle (Pledge)
- Uli (Mistress of All)
- Zelda (Battle Maid)
- Morgen (Morning)
- Winola (Gracious Friend)
- Warren (Defender, Watchman)
- Mette (Great In Battle)
- Adalia (Noble)
- Nobert (Blond Hero)
- Lili Pet form of German means God is my oath)
- Noberta (Blond Hero)
- Leonore (Foreign, The Other)
- Velma (Form Of Vilhelmina)
- Helge (A Person of God)
- Analiese (Gracious Consecrated to God)
- Olinda (Protector of Property)
- Maud (Strong in Battle)
- Odell (Little Wealthy One)
- Kunibert (Brave & bright)
- Walburg (See Walborg)
- Adalgisa (Noble Hostage)
- Ilse (See Ilsa)
- Irma (Long of Irm, Entire, Whole)
- Hertha (German Form of Nerthus)
- Ishild (Ice Battle)
- Mareike (Obstinacy, Rebelliousness or Rebellion)
- Kristen (See Kerstin)
- Melusina (Wonder, Sea-Fog)
- Ottila (Wealthy)
- Ulrike (See Ulrika)
- Milla (Industrious)
- Amara (Beloved. Eternal, Immortal)
- Ursula (See Uschi)
- Waldtraud (Strong Ruler)
- Adela (Noble. Serene)
- Nadja (Hope)
- Isold (See Ishild)
- Claudia (Variation of Claudius)
- Loreley (Murmuring Rock)
- Krimhilde: (Variant spelling of Kriemhild)
- Kriemhild (Battle Mask)
- Elga (Form Of Helga)
- Genevieve (Form Of Guinevere)
- Lora (Laurel)
- Xiu (Beautiful, Elegant)
- Alice (Noble, Truth)
- Xandrah (Defender of mankind)
- Vreni (See Verena)
- Annelies (See Analiese)
- Swanhild (Swan Battle)
- Lorelei (Alluring)
- Elsa (Noble)
- Odelia (Variant spelling of Odilia)
- Schmetterling (Butterfly)
- Wilhelmina (Feminine of will-helmet)
- Sofia (Wisdom)
- Annelise (See Analiese)
- Katarine (See Katrina)
- Lulu (Famous Warrior)
- Käthe (Pet of Germany “Kätharina”)
- Millie (Hard Worker)
- Klothilda (Famous Battle Maid)
- Kirsa (Cherry)
- Adelaide (Noble And Serene)
- Liese (Pet form of German means God is my oath)
- Adie (See Adi)
- Jenell (Knowledge And Understanding)
- Mathilda (Battle Maiden; Strong)
- Jutta (Jewess or Praised)
- Greta (Form Of Gretchen)
- Louis (Warrior Maiden)
- Xenia (Hospitality)
- Seraphina (Fiery Ones)
- Grizelda (Maiden of Iron)
- Wibeke (War)
- Urs (Bear , Little Bear)
- Xahria (Flower)
- Lotti (Little Woman)
- Amelia (Industrious)
- Analise (See Analiese)
- Dresden (German City)
- Uda (See Udo)
- Ottoline (Short of Ottilia, See Ottilia)
- Kathrin (Neat & Pure)
- Orlantha (From the Land)
- Nixe (See Nixie)
- Christa (Form Of Christina)
- Jannike (See Jannike)
- Dagmar (Joyous Day)
- Leopolda (Bold Leader)
- Zelma (Alice – noble)
- Xanthia (Rare)
- Rebekka (Ensnarer)
- Norberta (Blond Hero)
- Angelika (Similar to Angelica)
- Mundle (Almond)
- Axel / Axl (Source of All Life)
- Karla (Strong, Womanly)
- Xaviera (Feminine form of Xavier, “Rare”)
- Ava (Bird)
- Margarete (Pearl)
- Imke (“Entire, Whole)
- Waldeburg (See Wallburg)
- Heide (Noble)
- Olga (Holy)
- Allison (See Alison)
- Ximena
- Irmalinda‘ (Whole, Soft, Tender, Entirely Gentle)
- Mischa (Who is Like God)
- Xeno (Foreign Voice)
- Imma (See Ima)
- Jannike (God is gracious)
- Yanka (Sharp in movement)
- Ulva (Wolf)
- Hexe (Witch)
- Emily (Industrious)
- Sonje (Wisdom)
- Utta (Rich)
- Antje (Grace)
- Sonnenschein (Sunshine)
- Marlene ( Derived from Marilyn)
- Anette (Variation of Anne)
- Ada (Noble. Kind)
- Ursel (See Urs)
- Suse (Pet form of Susanne)
- Arnwlle (As Strong As Eagle)
- Allyson (Of Noble Birth)
- Kant (German philosopher)
- Keene (Bold; Sharp)
- Saxon (Sharp Blade)
- Zach (Stubborn)
- Geert (Brave And Strong)
- Wilfred (Determined Peacemaker)
- Rolly (Famous Country)
- Panzer (WW-II German tank)
- Friedhold (Peaceful Ruler)
- Gerard (Brave)
- Ulbrecht (Form of Albert)
- Heller (The Sun)
- Oskar (Spear)
- Kodiak (Island)
- Martin From Mars
- Odo (Wealthy)
- Penrod (Commander)
- Mozart (German composer)
- Wendell (Wanderer)
- Klaus (German version of Nicholas)
- Rudi (Famous Wolf)
- Gerald (Spear King)
- Odell (Little Wealthy)
- Keifer (Barrel Maker)
- Hank Ruler of an Estate
- Harvey Warrior of the Army
- Theobold (Boldest)
- Herbert Glorious Soldier
- Günther (Warrior)
- Milo (Form Of Miles)
- Guthrie (War hero)
- Rolf (Famous Wolf)
- Walker (Worker)
- Helmuth (Protector)
- Rom (Highness)
- Otto (Prosperous)
- Vilhelm (Form of William)
- Stein (Stone)
- Harvey (Army Warrior)
- Johannes
- Frederick (Peaceful Ruler)
- Kleve (German city)
- Gary (Mighty Spearman)
- Schatzi (Little treasure)
- Fritz (Peaceful Ruler)
- Wolfe
- Ozzy (Divine Spear)
- Zelig (Blessed One)
- Rowland (Famous In The Land)
- Rudolf (Famous Wolf)
- Udo (Rich, Prosperous)
- Imre (Great King)
- Quincy (Fifth)
- Jarman (German)
- Hahn (Rooster)
- Hardy Adventurous Person
- Sigmond (Protector)
- Roth (Red Haired)
- Rolf
- Kurt (Courteous)
- Fremont (Guardian of Freedom)
- Miles (Merciful)
- Prinz (Prince)
- Kaiser (Emperor)
- Hertz (Kind Hearted)
- Rico (Strong Power)
- Varick (Protecting Ruler)
- Johan (Form of John)
- Otis (Son Of Otto)
- Helmar (Famous Protector)
- Rudolf
- Panzer (Armor)
- Wolfgang (Traveling wolf)
- Max (Short version of Maximus)
- Jarvis (Skilled With A Spear)
- Hans Variation of Johannes
- Juniper
- Xanten (German city)
- Hansel (Fairy tale character)
- Strom (Stream)
- Hank
- Garin (Warrior)
- Richard (Brave One)
- Harbin Little Shining Fighter
- Zellmer (Ruler of Village)
- Medwin Powerful Friend
- Ferguson (Noble & Strong)
- Ulrich (Wolf Ruler)
- Yohann (Form of Johann)
- Rin Tin Tin (Name of a famous German Shepherd)
- Kaspar (Variation of Jasper)
- Henry Ruler Of The Household
- Helmut (Courageous)
- Ulrik (Power of the wolf)
- Hackett (Wood Cutter)
- Manfred (Man of Peace)
- Fischer (Fisherman)
- Ugo (Mind, Heart, Spirit)
- Tillie (Powerful Battler)
- Heinrich (Ruler)
- Verner (Defending Army)
- Hartwin Brave Friend
- Kasper (Treasurer)
- Schnapps (Strong Alcoholic Drink)
- Schwartz (Black)
- Waldo (Ruler)
- Raymond (Protector)
- Kant (Brilliant, Beloved)
- Roderick (Famous Ruler)
- Mandel (Almond)
- Jackson (Jack’s Son)
- Manfred Man Of Peace
- Hartmann Strong as a Deer
- Haan (German city)
- Mayer Bringer Of Light
- Hamlin (One Who Loves His Home)
- Herman (Soldier)
- Otter (German city)
- Roger (Famous Spearman)
- Kiel (German city)
- Jamin (Right Hand)
- Walter (Ruler of the Army)
- Ritter (Knight)
- Terrell (Thunder Ruler)
- Munich (Capital city of Bavaria)
- Herb Glorious Soldier
- Will
- Goethe (German Poet)
- Gaston (Beauty & the Beast character)
- Karl (Free Man)
- Jäeger (Hunter)
- Norbert (Hero)
- Jacques (Supplanter)
- Felix (Lucky)
- Franz (Form Of Francis)
- Werner (Protecting Army)
- Ferdinand (Adventurous, Courageous)
- Kellen (Swamp)
- Griswold (Gray Forest)
- Rudy
- Henri (Home Ruler)
- Luger (Old German gun)
- Walter (Powerful Warrior)
Hope, we helped you make the right decision for your pup. Please, check out our other great name ideas bellow!
150 Best German Shepherd Names With Origins
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