The City of Soledad de Graciano Sanchez in Mexico is a shining example of how people can help homeless dogs when they take a proactive approach in joining animal loving volunteers with unique government programs.
According to local officials, there are 300,000 homeless dogs wondering the streets of Graciano Sanchez. Recognizing that at minimum the dogs need food, water, and basic medical care, the City and local animal loving citizens joined forces to help the homeless dogs.
One of their first initiatives was to launch a program called “ComeDog.” ComeDog joins a local citizens group called Respuesta Ciudadana with City Hall. Together they place food dispensers in public areas so street dogs have access to fresh food and water. The dispensers are durable and simple-they are made of PVC and are easily filled.

Respuesta Ciudadana is in charge of keeping the dispensers filled and so far, fifteen dispensers have been placed and are in service. The volunteers distribute the food and also make friends with the dogs that fill their hungry bellies at the feeding stations.
Mayor Gilberto Hernandez Villafuente said that it’s the cooperation between the City and the volunteers that makes the program a success:
“Today I realize how many people appreciate this program, we have been congratulated by different means and, well, I am going to ask you to participate and help us to have a very successful refuge.”
The City also unveiled Mexico’s first animal ambulance, Ambudog. Ambudog helps street dogs and local pets. It is served by veterinarians who are offering free medical care to the city’s cat and dogs. Services include free spay and neuter and vaccinations. They hope the program will help end preventable disease and the over population of pets, which contributes to their suffering.
Dolores Elisa García Román, Director of Municipal Services Soledad de Graciano Sánchez said:
“There is an infectious picture when the puppy is born and if a month and a half is not vaccinated mainly by distemper or parvovirus, there is a contagion, both in people and animals, then this ambulance will be taken to all the suburbs to attend to all the puppies.”
The City says these two programs are just the beginning. They hope that the example they set will spread and help Mexico’s homeless dog population find food, shelter, love, and forever homes.
We hope the program reaches farther than Mexico and is an example to countries all over the world. Please share this amazing story with your family and friends. Together we can help end animal suffering.
Elaine Adams says
It's about time that Mexican government agencies take responsibility for the heart wrenching street dogs. I lived in Guadalajara in 1969 to 1971. It was bad then. I always hoped it would get better because I wanted to retire in Mexico. I loved Mexico. Now I can't even travel to Mexico because it makes me so sad for the horrendous conditions of homeless dogs.
Jessica Johnson says
I LOVE the idea! It may need a cover over the food opening though for when it rains or it will be dog soup.
Janice Boyer says
Yes these street dogs are so sad to see. Ribs sticking out, stomach sucked in from starvation. I've seen this throughout Mexico and it is gut wrenching. I am so glad to see that something is being done about it. At last....there is hope for these poor animals. Keep up the great work