If you are looking for playful dog names, then look no further than this page! We have compiled a large list of playful dog names that will help you to find the perfect name for your puppy or dog.
What would you name your playful puppy?
Puppies are cute, cuddly, and fun to play with. They love to run around and jump into things. And they also love to eat. So naming them is important.
Naming puppies and dogs is a great way to bond with them. Pup names should reflect their personality and character.
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Popular names
We have compiled a list of some of the best and most popular playful dog names.
- Dungaroo
- Naughty
- Penny
- Havoc
- Guinness
- Arrow
- Havoc
- Sookie
- Crash
- Rest day
- Zippity
- Zannie
- Rollick
- Skittle
- Silly
- Punch
- Buckaroo
- Bo Peep
- Timon
- Bruiser
- Bouncin Beemer
- Archibald
- Ricochet
- Ferrari
- Scottie
- Zephyr
- Snap
- Kick
- Magic
- June Bug
- Cleopatra
- Monkey
- Ozzie
- Digger
- Flip
- Jonty
- Scramble
- Sparkman
- Rush
- Trust
- Punk
- Cyclone
- Blitz
- Blanca
- Frisky
- Smoke
- Zippy
- Holiday
- Coconut
- Striker
- Scooter
- Abracadabra
- Whisk
- Roxie
- Whiz
- Snookie
- Hooligan
- Mindy
- Chipper
- Flute Player
- Zannie
- Spaz
- Go-go
- Lucy Loo
- Scooter
- Fritz
- Merry
- Sherlock Bones
- Spirit
- Sonic
- Loki
- Pronto
- Chewie
- Spunky
- Beowulf
- Crispy
- Finn
- Crocotta
- Smooches
- Rufus
- Yoko
- Midas
- Ballistic
- Kanye Westie
- Rambo
- Frolic
- Skip
- Whiz
- Chelsea
- Ernie
- Toffee
- Birdie
- Mischief
- Spanky
- Dancer
- Clyde
- Typhoon
- Andy Warhowl
Cute playful names
Cute names for dogs are fun to say and easy to remember, so you can be sure that your new puppy will always have a name that is unique and memorable.
If you’re looking for cute, playful dog names, then check out the list below.
- Scooby
- Sweet Pea
- Trouble
- Kapok
- Foxy
- Cheese
- Pippin
- Spunky
- Nugget
- Ursula
- Princess
- Chase
- Puck
- Tsunami
- Skittle
- Kick
- Froot loops
- Colt
- Leaping Water
- Baloo
- Aston
- Count Droolsberry
- Jet
- Lily
- Squirt
- Peppy
- Small Fry
- Hermes
- Lil’ Dude
- Jolly
- Hooch
- Skippy
- Bolt
- Sparky
- Bamba
- Tug
- Maggie
- Bark Twain
- Mostacho
- Blitz
- Luca
- Hopper
- Tallulah
- Brisk
- Trick
- Lively
- Curly
- Folly
- Gumdrop
- Otis
- Sticky
- Spaz
- Butterball
- Bizzy
- Figgis
- Kona
- Sweet Tea
- Audi
- Cupcake
- Bon Bon
- Zorro
- Lolli
- Peanut
- Sunny
- Bacon
- Breezy
- Merry
- Banzai
- Zippy
- Tinkerbell
- Roxy
- Chipper
- Barkley
- Frolic
- Zula
- Wolfie
- Bullet
- Spastic.
- Captain Sniffer
- Dart
- Nibby
- Wild Horse
- Earnest, serious
- Fizz
- Indiana Bones
- Scurry
- Xena
- Astro
- Gala
- Dumbledog
- Dancer
- Owen
- Cisco
- Boss
- Goofy
Great names
Great names for a playful dog! Huge amount of the best playful names for your boy or girl.
- Go-go
- Tugger
- Mighty Mite
- Moxie
- Lively
- Jiffy
- Rollick
- Sweep
- Inferno
- Tink
- Beemer
- Sunny
- Moby
- Moxie
- Shelby
- Nibby Nose
- Sniper
- Marshmallow
- Pee Wee
- Shine
- Shelby
- Mogwai
- Dawn.
- Fetch
- Relaxed.
- Hairy Pawter
- Piper
- Punkin’
- Randy
- Little Bird
- Ground Nut Legume
- Gunner
- Punch
- Share
- Snap
- Button
- Sir Licks-a-Lot
- Frisky
- Sweep
- Zippity
- Happy
- Nibby
- Digger
- Daze
- Inferno
- Ballistic
- Wreck
- Striker
- Snowflake
- Snow
- Spanky
- Mitzi
- Zapper
- Abba
- Rocky
- Lady Rover
- Naughty
- Skip
- Crazy
- Bubbles
- Gala
- Tomey
- Bright, Sweet
- Hooligan
- Little Bit
- Gunner
- Boxy
- Mighty
- Whoopi
- Scrappy
- Daze
- Atomic
- Vandal
- Spirited, plucky
- Shagun
- Aston
- Rush
- Splash
- Mrs. Wigglebottom
- Flux
- Barney
- Lady Dogiva
- Breezy
- Whisk
- Tater Tot
- Sir Pees-a-Lot
- Wilder
- Jellybean
- Vega
- Buttercup
- Scatter
- Peppy
- Pounce
- Fox
- Raw Fish
- Sprint
- Piper
- Jimmy Chew
- Banzai
- Pronto
- Laguna
- Ladybug
- Patty
- Crowther
- Niall
- Dart
- Jumbo
- Storm
- Tiger
- Bouncin Beemer
- Chilipupper
- Sniper
- Bullet
- Baxter
- Candy
- Zipper
- McGruff
- Willie
- Zephyr
- Munchkin
- Soul
- Beethoven
- Bubbly, effervescent.
- Dakar
- Fancy
- Zorro
- Swift
- Nico
- Nibby Nose
- Hamburgler
- Bubbles
- Fuji
- Tug
- Tango
- Keen
- Pepper
- Doodle Bug
- Dogzilla
- Wild Thing
- Skeeter
- Jazzy
- Fetch
- Turbo
- Sushi
- Smoke
- Fancy
- Subwoofer
- Jiffy
- Scramble
- Scholar
- Fizz
- Cha-Cha-Cha
- Wild Thing
- Chanel
- Goldilocks
- Blithe
- Biscuit
- Tugger
- Lollipop
- Zip
- Mushu
- Rawhide
- Flit
- Skyler
- Dawn
- Rocket
- Ricochet
- Chaos
- Scatter
- Snoopy
- Salvador Doggy
- Zoom
- Tsunami
- Trouble
- Skittles
- Wreck
- Fairy
- Storm
- Gaston
- Vandal
Playful inspired names
Playful is a great word to describe your puppy or dog. Playful means happy and having fun, but also mischievous. When you call your dog playful it means that he/she is enjoying life and being silly.
- Frolic – Playful behavior, merriment and fun. To gambol merrily.
- Pixie – A mischievous and playful inhabitant of the Fairy Realm
- Piper – A name from England that means player of the flute
- Lisciva – The Latin word for playful
- Ceria – The word for playful in the Indonesian culture
- Igrati – The Bosnian and Czech word that means play
- Folly – Foolishness, madness, or lunacy, the Ziegfeld Follies were elaborately staged productions incorporating hundreds of beautiful, smiling young ladies, endlessly fanning out across the stage.
- Flirt – A flirt pole is an interactive toy, a long pole with a rope and a lure which can encourage playfulness in your canine
- Jolly – Good humored, merry.
- Bubbles – Bubbly, effervescent, lively, and enthusiastic.
- Móka – The word for fun in Hungarian
- Kitsune – A fox or fox spirit in Japanese folklore; Kitsunes possess supernatural powers and many of them are playful
- Mink – A very playful animal in the same family as the weasel and ferret; known for their extremely plush fur
- Lark – A playful excursion, frolic or adventure.
- Wánpí de – The Chinese word meaning playful
- Caayar – The word playful in Somali
- Fancy – Caprice, whim, or illusion.
- Shine – Glow or emit light, the take a fancy to, or a practical joke, such as monkey shines.
- Leela – A Hindu name that means play
- Otter – Otters are curious and playful both in the water and on land
- Go-go – Full of energy and vitality. A mod 1960s discoteque, The Whisky a Go-Go.
- Pocahontas – A Matoaka name or nickname meaning either bright stream between the hills or playful one
- Raven – An intelligent and very playful bird with shiny black plumage
- Breezy – Fresh and sprightly.
- Pounce – For many canines, pouncing is both a way to hunt and a way to play
- Merry – Joyous and playful.
- Ehawee – A Sioux Indian name meaning laughing maid
- Filly – A name referring to a frisky or playful young female horse
- Dolphin – Dolphins are some of the most playful animals in the ocean
- Splash – Many animals love to play and splash in the water
- Sinopa – A name from the Blackfoot tribe that means kit fox, a very playful animal
Salali – A Cherokee name meaning squirrel, an animal known for their playful ways - Ludi – The word for play in Esperanto
- Jocelyn – A name meaning playful that is seen in English, French, German and Hebrew
- Sunny – Cheery and light-hearted.
- Alashanee – A Coos Indian name that means she plays all the time
- Alegre – A Spanish word that means cheerful, happy, and playful
- Blithe – Carefree, heedless, joyful, and merry.
- Fetch – Dogs that are feeling playful often enjoy a game of fetch
- Chase – Dogs often show their playfulness by chasing things
- Alux – Small dwarf-like creatures in Mayan mythology that enjoy playing tricks on people and can bring about either good or bad luck
- Luther – An English name that means lute player
- Delbin – A Basque name referring to the dolphin, an extremely intelligent and playful animal
- Takaro – A word meaning play in Maori
- Azeban – A trickster spirit that appears as a raccoon from the Abenaki and Penobscot people, Native American tribes of the Northeast
- Rollick – To frolic or behave in a free, jovial way.
- Da Do Zippity – A play on Zip-a-Dee- Doo-Dah, Oscar-winning song from Disney's Song of the South.
- Spirit – To animate, encourage and stir up into action.
- Flip – To react to something with excitement or astonishment. "Flip Wilson flipped out America when he took the stage in drag as Geraldine Jones."
- Chipper – Happy and upbeat, also the name of the Braves monosyllabic former baseman, Chipper Jones.
- Cavort – Jumping or dancing about in a playful way is called cavorting
- Harper – A name from England meaning player of the harp
- Bacchus – The Roman god of wine and frivolity
- Ahanu – An Algonquian word that means he laughs
- Puck – A playful and mischievous fairy that was featured in the Shakespearean play “A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream”
- Loki – A mischievous and playful god from Old Norse legends
- Peppy – Full of drive and fast on the pickup.
- Sport – The word sport can relate to being either a good athlete or to a person with a good attitude towards others
- Zip – Dogs that are feeling playful are often active and will zip from place to place
- Vilas – An Indian name that means fun
- Digger – Digging is a preferred form of play for many canines
- Kutkh – A raven spirit from the Russian far east; is a mighty shaman and a trickster
- Vihar – A name meaning fun play, from India
- Hustle – To move quickly.
- Tabor – An English name meaning plays a small drum
- Tollak – A Norwegian name that means play involving weapons
- Crowther – An English name that means fiddle player
- Frisky – Lively, frolicsome, and playful.
- Keen – Extremely sensitive and responsive, possessing acute perception and showing a strong desire.
- Trick – Rogish practical joke or illusion.
- Khelan – A name from India meaning play
- Monkey – Monkeys are very playful animals that like to swing in the trees.
- Lalit – A Hindu name that means desirable or playful
- Jolastu – The Basque word meaning play
- Legende – The Danish word for playful
- Bow – Dogs signal their readiness to play by using a play bow
- Fizz – Bubbly, effervescent.
- Kijimuna – Small child-like creatures that are playful and mischievous; from Okinawan folk-tales.
- Colt – A name referring to a frisky or playful young male horse
High energy dog names
If you're looking for a playful, high-energy puppy or dog name that will make your friends laugh and your family smile, then check this list out!
- Stoked - Surfer slang, excited or euphoric.
- Tremor - Earthquake aftershock.
- Piston - Reciprocating engine device.
- Whammy - Shocker,
- Hammer - To pound; M C Hammer.
- Booster - The first stage of a rocket or missile.
- Brio - From Italian and ancient Celtic, brio means energy, determination, power, and force.
- Tesla - Nikola Tesla invented the modern alternating current we use to deliver electricity today
- Hoopla - Bustling activity or excitement, ballyhoo, hullabaloo.
- Motor - Engine (noun) or to move about (verb).
- Elan - A combination of style and vigor
- Hopper - One that jumps from activity to activity. Famous American painter, Edward Hopper, most notable painting, Nighthawks.
- Quake - To convulse or shake from shock, short for Earthquake.
- Moxie - Verve, vigor or courage. The origins of the term are from an American soft drink, trademarked as "Moxie."
- Amp - Voltage and an energy drink.
- Rokkit - A play on rocket and rock it.
- Verve - Enthusiasm, vivaciousness and vigor.
- Frack - High pressure hydraulic fracturing.
- Juice - The power of a wave. Electrical current.
- Diesel - Fuel.
- Zing - Vitality, enthusiasm, zest.
- Burn - Combustion in rockets.
- Zeal - Fervor, ardor, enthusiasm.
- Boost - Extra power given to a rocket on lift off.
- Punch - Power, zest and forcefulness.
- Whoop Ass - Typically packaged in a can
- Kick - To drive or force, as in "she kicked it into high gear." Also, nickname of favorite J.F.K. sister, Kathleen "Kick" Kennedy.
- Shocker - Eye opener, revelation.
- Pow Pow - Dominican expression for subjugating naughty young children
- Sparkle - To be brilliant, lively and vivacious or to effervesce.
- Crave - To desire urgently.
- Bustle - Hustle and Bustle is frenzied activity and excitement.
- Atom - Atomic or powerful Atom Ant.
- Quiver - To shake or an arrow container.
Names for fast and speedy dogs
A playful dog is a great addition to any family and will bring joy into your life for years to come. There are many different breeds of dogs that can be considered playful. We compiled great names for speedy and agile ones!
- Spirit – To move or remove quickly, undetected.
- Bolt – Explosive leap forward or upright; the action of a rifle.
- Brisk – Active, quick or lively.
- Apollo – Series of manned space flights that rocketed to the moon.
- Sprint – Short, fast race. To dash.
- Scurry – To rush or move quickly in great haste.
- Rush – To move with great speed, often in a hurried manner.
- Boogie – Leave in a hurry; dance.
- Chase – To pursue.
- Swift – Fleet, capable of moving at high velocity.
- Zip – Energy, vim, and vigor. Zippity, Zippy, and Zipper are possible variations on the Zip name.
- Ferrari – High-end Italian race car.
- Dash – A short fast race; to move in a rush.
- Snap – A jiffy, instant of flash.
- Dart – Sudden swift movement.
- Jiffy – An instant or a flash.
- Pronto – Spanish for quickly or immediately.
- Rip – To move with great speed or violence.
- Yeager – In 1947, General Chuck Yeager, then a test pilot, became the first man to officially break the sound barrier.
- Surge – Sudden strong increase or to burst forward.
- Smoke – Slang for moving out rapidly. "He smoked the competition."
- Skip – To move in a light springy manner. To escape secretly in haste.
- Aston – Aston Martin sports cars remain James Bond's preferred mode of conveyance.
- Sonic – Fast as the speed of sound.
- Bullet – Projectile.
- DeLorean – Named for auto executive John DeLorean, this sports car came to fame twice.
- Scooter – Small light mode of transportation.
- Turbo – Short for turbocharger, the turbo kicks speed up a notch.
- Testarossa – Unveiled in Paris 1984, Ferrari's Testarossa sports car is Italian for "redhead.
- Ricochet – Of French origin meaning, "Skipping stone on water." Ricochet means bouncing from object to object or place to place.
- Whiz – Genius or to move with a rush and a sound.
Hyperactive dog names
Some dogs are way too active, hyperactive, like they have neverending energy inside them. Category just for there pups.
- Trouble – To disturb the mental calm or to worry another.
- Chaos – The void before the birth of the universe, Titan god, total disorganization and confusion.
- Static – Difficulty or trouble.
- Raze – High power energy drink.
- Ruffian – Tough, lawless, and brutal.
- Rascal – Mischievous person or animal.
- Melee – Confusion, turmoil, involving hand-to-hand combat.
- Tsunami – Massive tidal wave.
- Calamity – A disaster or great misfortune. Calamity Jane was a renowned scout and a performer in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show.
- Vandal – One who deliberately mars something of beauty or value.
- Bane – Death, destruction, and ruin.
- Inferno – A place that resembles hell.
- Crash – To drive with force or violence, collision, gain admittance to an event uninvited.
- Trounce – To defeat decisively.
- Storm – To deliver a violent attack or assault. Barrage.
- Havoc – Devastation or ruinous damage.
- Sharknado – Series of films featuring tornados swirling with live great white sharks in their midst.
- Strife – Discord, quarrel, clash.
- Red Bull – Energy drink powerful enough that it got Anna Nicole Smith off of her lounge chair for 20 minutes at a time.
- Mayhem – A state of uproar and wild confusion. Devastation or ruinous damage.
- Smasher – Smashing, English slang for fabulous.
- Jolt – A high surge of electricity.
- Banzai – Japanese battle cry.
- Clash – Noise, collision, artful Punk band of the 1970s.
- Rout – To gain total victory over your opponent.
- Bedlam – A state of uproar and wild confusion.
- Wreck – The ruin or destruction of anything. Member of the Wrecking Crew, a loose band of top notch studio musicians in LA in the 1970s.
- Cyclone – Violent tropical storm, circular in nature.
- Typhoon – Pacific hurricane.
- Hooligan – Ruffian or hoodlum. British soccer fans.
- Daze – State of bemusement, to overwhelm or dazzle.
- Bang – Energy drink.
- Spaz – Spastic.
- Riot – Violent or wild disorder, confusion. A bright display of color.
- Ballistic – To become irrational. Ballistics is the study of projectiles and bombs.
We're happy to help you find the right name for your agile, playful pup. Please, check out our other great name ideas below!
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