Do you love dogs? If yes, then you should definitely consider naming your dog after some of your favorite characters from the nerdy world. These cute pooches look adorable and they'll surely bring a smile to your face every time you see them.
When choosing a name for your new furry friend, you want something that will last forever. That's why it's important to choose a name that reflects who he or she really is. After all, your pet deserves nothing less than the best!
The Nerdy Dog Names List is a collection of nerdy and geeky dog names that are perfect for your four-legged friend! From the most popular to the most obscure, these funny and unique dog names will make you laugh out loud!
There are tons of great options out there. From classic names such as Sherlock, Batman, and Wonder Woman to modern favorites like Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Game of Thrones, there are plenty of choices.
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Popular nerdy dog names
Nerdy dog names are the best ways to express your fandom for everything nerdy. From sci-fi to fantasy, comic book heroes to movie stars, there are tons of options here for naming your new furry friend. Here is a list of the most popular geeky names for your pup.
- Agnes
- Bonnie
- Esther
- Rory
- Peggy
- Evie
- Matilda
- Lilly
- Veronica
- Ripley
- Edith
- Josie
- Dorothy
- Susan
- Cecil
- Laney
- Elle
- Judith
- Hermione
- Mabel
- Amy
- Penny
- Molly
- Effie
- Buffy
- Beatrice
- Cady
- Vivian
- Olive
- Velma
- Bridget
- Margot
- Benji
- Dwight
- Spencer
- Wesley
- McLovin
- Bill
- Ross
- Neal
- Eugene
- Sheldon
- Finnick
- Harry
- Harold
- Calvin
- Milhouse
- Gizmo
- Morty
- Carlton
- Kevin
- Dexter
- Brian
- Dax
- Napoleon
- Rick
- Bojack
Technology inspired names
List of techy geeky names for your smart pooch.
- Redmond – headquarters of Microsoft
- Ajax – web technology
- Bug – software issue (or feature?)
- Glitch – bug in the system
- Cloud – servers
- Diode – semiconductor device
- Kernal – core of computer operating system
- Bit – computer data
- Apache – server tech
- Gates – Bill Gates founder of Microsoft
- DOS – early text based operating system
- Java – programming language
- Cookie – web tracking
- Byte
- Ruby – programming language
- Linux – computer operating system
- Crypto – cryptocurrency or cryptography
- Cupertino – Apple headquarters location
- Pixel – dot on a screen
- RAM – computer memory
- Pascal – classic programming language
- Digit
- Zip – compression
- Shell
- Vector – type of graphics
- Widget
- Nano
- Giga – computer data size Gigabyte/bit
- Clarus – Apple dogcow mascot
- Siri
- Data
- Cisco – famous networking company
- Mac
- Newbie – or Noob, someone who is inexperienced
- Dot – (Matrix) old printing format
- Woz – Steve Wozniak founder of Apple
- Clara – Santa Clara Silicon Valley
- Beta – pre-release software
- Alpha – first version software
- Cyber
- Mouse
- Chip
- Codec – video formatting
Cartoon dog names
Collection of names from well-known cartoons. Look them over!
- Marmaduke
- Grommet
- Tramp
- Slinky
- Spike
- Sam
- Charlie
- Pluto
- Peabody
- Copper
- Snuffles
- Blue
- Max
- Ren
- Scooby
- Lady
- Perdita
- Chief
- Marc
- Goofy
- Odie
- Trusty
- Underdog
- Astro
- Krypto
- Seymour
- Brian
- Colonel
- Huckleberry
- Napoleon
- Lafayette
- Muttley
- Jake
- Bolt
- Dino
- Droopy
- Clifford
- Pongo
- Peg
- Snoopy
- Tyke
- Pal
- Courage
- Snowy
- Jock
- Wishbone
Math inspired names
Math lovers! This is the right category for your and your smart companion.
- Chi
- Ellipse
- Apothem
- Gamma
- Infinity
- Oblique
- Cubic
- Alpha
- Parabola
- Hexagon
- Axiom
- Cartesian
- Kappa
- Mu
- Phi
- Epsilon
- Tau
- Surd
- Parabol
- Octagon
- Vector
- Algorithm
- Element
- Delta
- Trapezoid
- Bisector
- Tan
- Rho
- Hyperbola
- Omicron
- Theta
- Lambda
- Nu
- Pi
- Matrix
- Abstract
- Paradox
- Modulus
- Bell
- Apex
- Fractal
- Rhombus
- Sigma
- Polygon
Chemistry names
Chemistry-inspired pup names are a great idea for geeks.
- Barium
- Chromium
- Promethium
- Xenon
- Rhodium
- Chlorine
- Helium
- Tin
- Cobalt
- Nitro for Nitrogen
- Gallium
- Iron
- Fluorine
- Oxygen
- Silver
- Sodium
- Nobelium
- Titanium
- Boron
- Thorium
- Argon
- Cerium
- Platinum
- Germanium
- Copper
- Calcium
- Zinc
- Gold
- Carbon
- Neon
- Plutonium
- Lithium
- Krypton
- Aluminum
- Nickel
- Phosphorus
Names inpired by Science
This is a list of nerdy dog names and their scientific basis. The science behind the names might be obvious to some, but others will find it interesting or amusing.
- Neutron
- Helix
- Quasar
- Cosmo
- Triton
- Orion
- Nebula
- Phoenix
- Ceres
- Sirius
- Venus
- Saturn
- Ariel
- Beaker
- Comet
- Astra
- Asteroid
- Isotope
- Pi
- Aurora
- Lyra
- Mercury
- Zeta
- Stella
- Libra
- Hubble
- Sky
- Nova
- Atlas
- Leo
- Atom
- Virgo
- Callisto
- Jupiter
- Aries
- Cassiopeia
- Galaxy
- Apollo
- Sputnik
- Titus
- Star
- Quark
- Eclipse
Programmer geeky names
Here is a compilation of really nerdy and geeky names for your fluffball.
- Abrash
- Lars
- Hack
- Ctrl
- Zork
- Romero
- Cooler
- Monitor
- Inferno
- Java
- Vector
- Siri
- Lexx
- Jakarta
- VR
- Nukem
- Ajax
- Sakya
- Yang
- Widget
- Motherboard
- Processor
- Martin
- Kay
- Glitch
- Woz
- Pixel
- Link
- Ewing
- Zip
- Python
- Beck
- Blog
- Crypto
- Terabyte
- Oates
- Griswold
- Dns
- Alt
- Gif
- Bradley
- Dorsey
- Ram
- Bell
- Cisco
- Capps
- Colbal
- Knight
- Codec
- Mac
- Cohen
- Macintosh
- Turner
- Cache
- Browser
- Cookie
- Aho
- Kamp
- Eich
- Vpn
- Gizmo
- Rexx
- Quake
- Emoji
- Digit
- Memory
- Nano
- Cooper
- Linux
- Ruby
- Cyber
- Doom
- Post
- Data
- Zeev
- Giga
- Page
- Hashtag
- Cypher
- Beta
- Vps
- Apache
- Henter
- Yahoo
- Perl
- Server
- Moler
- Byte
- Papert
- Roland
- PC
- Intel
Lord of the Rings inspired names
This is a list of nerdy dog names from world-famous Book series and Movies written by J. R. R. Tolkien.
- Aragorn
- Galadriel
- Samwise
- Elrond
- Eowyn
- Meriadoc Brandybuck
- Treebeard
- Barad-dur
- Samwise Gamgee
- Balrog
- Peregrin Took
- Frodo
- Gollum
- Boromir
- Denethor
- Frodo Baggins
- Gimli
- Strider
- Eomer
- Bombur
- Shelob
- Arwen
- Meriadoc
- Nazgul
- Thorin Oakenshield
- Peregin Took
- Legolas
- Shadowfax
- Pippin
- Balin
- Bilbo
- Sauron
- Bard
- Gandalf the Grey
- Gandalf
- Saruman the White
- Grima
- Hobbit
- Faramir
- Bilbo Baggins
- Theoden
- Celeborn
Star Wars inspired names
Another amazing movie series, Star Wars theme category.
- Barriss Offee
- Jabba The Hutt
- Ki-Adi-Mundi
- Darth Maul
- Quinlan Vos
- Kyp Durron
- Carnor Jax
- Anakin Solo
- General Crix Madine
- Mara Jade
- Jango Fett
- Shaak Ti
- Ahsoka Tano
- R2-D2
- Visas Marr
- Kyle Katarn
- Qui-Gon Jinn
- Joruus C’Baoth
- Captain Rex
- R2
- Zuckuss
- Mace Windu
- Vader
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Dash Rendar
- Cody
- Zam Wesell
- Plo Koon
- Kir Kanos
- Natasi Daala
- Bastila Shan
- Revan
- Exar Kun
- Gilad Pellaeon
- Prince Xizor
- Wedge Antilles
- Cad Bane
- Kit Fisto
- Sebulba
- Luke Skywalker
- Darth Krayt
- Ulic Qel-Droma
- Han Solo
- Admiral Ackbar
- General Veers
- Jaina Solo
- Nom Anor
- Darth Bane
- IG 88
- Bib Fortuna
- Jarael
- General Grievous
- Shmi Skywalker
- Count Dooku
- Dengar
- Luminara Unduli
- Aurra Sing
- Admiral Thrawn
- Grand Moff Tarkin
- Watto
- Lando Calrissian
- Talon Karrde
- Yoda
- Pre Vizsla
- Boba Fett
- Bossk
- Satele Shan
- Durge
- Callista Ming
- Lumiya
- Rahm Kota
- Brakiss
- Chewy
- Anakin
- Cade Skywalker
- Savage Opress
- Leia
- General Dodonna
- Jacen Solo
- Greedo
- Chewbacca
- Asajj Ventress
- Galen Marek
- Biggs Darklighter
- Emperor Palpatine
- Darth Vader
- Padme Amidala
- Princess Leia
- Jerec
- C-3PO
- Ben Skywalker
- Darth Nihilus
- Zayne Carrick
- Mission Vao
Star Trek inspired names
Start Trek fans will love specifically this list of nerdy names.
- Barclay
- Rom
- Klingon
- Wesley Crusher
- Hoshi
- Enterprise
- Pike
- Leonard
- Nyota
- Data
- Kira
- Captain Janeway
- Janice
- Starfleet
- Captain Sisko
- Phlox
- Captain Picard
- Keiko
- Shahna
- Wesley
- Kirk
- Geordi La Forge
- Jadzia
- Sarek
- Worf
- Pavel
- Doctor
- Nog
- Captain Kirk
- Malcom Reed
- Neelix
- Quark
- Spock
- Voyager
- Odo
Names inspired by Comics
Who doesn't love superheroes? Or maybe even Villians? A great category for comic-books lovers.
- Akira
- Cyclops
- Thanos
- Harley
- Cyborg
- Wanda
- Thor
- Bane
- Taiga
- Diana
- Kal-El
- Sakamoto
- Captain
- Ronan
- Doctor Strange
- Mary Jane
- Oracle
- Hellboy
- Gambit
- Quinn
- Yondu
- Mystique
- Rocket
- Wolverine
- Krypton
- Michonne
- Alfred
- Marv
- Beast Boy
- Loki
- Batman
- Tony Stark
- Sabertooth
- Archie
- Professor X
- Banshee
- Goku
- Hawkeye
- Mimic
- Marvel
- Venom
- Trigon
- Bruce
- Jessica Jones
- Harley Quinn
- Drax
- Gamora
- Jubilee
- The Maxx
- Hulk
- Deadpool
- Lois
- Lex
- Harvey
- Raven
- Groot
- Doom
- Rorschach
- Star-Lord
- Nightwing
- Slade
- Nebula
- Alfred
- Flash
- Clark
- Peter
- Rogue
- Gotham
- Iron Man
- Starfire
- Jade
- Thing
- Bizarro
- Sasquatch
- Beast
- Black Widow
- Buckey
- Pepper
- Magneto
- Nightcrawler
- Galactus
- Ultron
- Joker
- Storm
- Zod
- Odin
Games inspired names
Great name ideas for your pooch to stand out!
- Aerith - FFVII
- Meeko - dog from Skyrim
- Peach - Princess Peach of Mario
- Mac - Punch Out hero
- Bastion - Overwatch
- Bison M - Bison, Street Fighter
- Duke - Duke Nukem
- Boo - Ghost from Mario
- Khan Shao Khan - Mortal Kombat
- Ganon - Baddy from Zelda
- Wario - Mario’s enemy
- Konami - game developer
- Yuna - FFX
- Cait Sith - FFVII
- Dinky Dinky Di - dog from Mad Max
- Cortana - Halo AI
- Halo - FPS game series
- Daxter - Jak & Daxter
- Samus - Metroid
- Cid Cid - Highwind from Final Fantasy
- Jade - Mortal Kombat
- Dutch - Dutch van der Linde, Red-Dead Redemption
- Quest - RPG mission / VR system
- Pong - Classic game
- Kong - Donkey Kong
- Atari - classic gaming system
- Amaterasu - Okami
- Lara - Lara Croft
- Link - Main character in the Zelda games
- Cloud - Final Fantasy VII
- Ryu - Street Fighter
- Sega - Classic gaming system
- Luigi - Mario’s brother
- Retro - old school gaming
- Diddy - Donkey Kong
- Jax - Mortal Kombat
- Mario - Super Mario
- Crash - Crash Bandicoot
- Eve - Parasite Eve / EVE online
- Switch - Nintendo system
- Capcom - game developer
- Lara - Croft Tomb Raider
- Boss - Baddies from any game
- Yoshi - Mario’s companion
- Ryu - Hayabusa Ninja Gaiden
- Banjo - Banjo-Kazooie
- Rush - dog from Mega Man
- Zelda - Princess from Zelda series
- Pikachu - Pokemon
- Winston - Overwatch
- Combo - fighting game move
- Nico - Grand Theft Auto
- Alyx - Half-Life 2
- Donkey Kong - Donkey Kong
- Chop - dog in Grand Theft Auto
- Leon - Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil
- Kirby - Puffy hero
- Kratos - God of War
- Sonic - The Hedgehog
- Bowser - Enemy of Mario
- Dante - Devil May Cry
- Genesis - classic gaming system
- Princess - Princess Peach of Mario
- Wily - Dr Wily from Mega Man
- Arthur - Arthur Morgan, Red-Dead Redemption
- Trevor - Grand Theft Auto
- Miles - Sonic the Hedgehog
- Tails - Sonic the Hedgehog
- Guile - Street Fighter
- Diddy Kong - Donkey Kong
- Birdo - Mario
- Koopa - Mario’s enemy
- Hanzo - Overwatch
- Drake - Nathan Drake from Uncharted
Books inspired names
We’ve compiled the best dog names from great books that have inspired them.
- Ajax - Greek Mythology
- Gandalf - The Lord of the Rings
- Atticus - To Kill a Mockingbird
- Snape - Harry Potter Series
- Neville - Harry Potter Series
- Legolas - The Lord of the Rings
- Nana - Peter Pan
- Hagrid - Harry Potter Series
- Sancho - Panza Don Quixote
- Art3mis - Ready Player One
- Hercules - Greek Mythology
- Sherlock - The Sherlock Holmes Series
- Albus - Harry Potter Series
- MacBeth - MacBeth
- Dr. Jekyll - The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
- Brett - The Sun Also Rises
- Cujo - Cujo
- Pip - Great Expectations
- Darcy - Pride & Prejudice
- Aragorn - The Lord of the Rings
- Scout - To Kill a Mockingbird
- Frodo - The Lord of the Rings
- Sauron - The Lord of the Rings
- Yossarian - Catch 22
- Agamemnon - Greek Mythology
- Hermione - Harry Potter Series
- Marlowe - The Big Sleep
- Kurtz - Heart of Darkness
- Gollum - The Lord of the Rings
- Blue - The Sound and the Fury
- Quixote - Don Quixote
- Holden - The Catcher in the Rye
- Argos - The Odyssey
- Dorian - The Picture of Dorian Gray
- Mr. Hyde - The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
- Moby - Moby Dick
- Gimli - The Lord of the Rings
- Bilbo - The Lord of the Rings
- Santiago - The Old Man and the Sea
- Electra - Greek Mythology
- Cerberus - 3-headed dog of Greek Mythology
- Heathcliff - Wuthering Heights
- Lolita - Lolita
- Parzival - Ready Player One
- Pilot - Jane Eyre
- Potter - Harry Potter Series
- Buck - The Call of the Wild
- Dalloway - Mrs. Dalloway
- Hamlet - Hamlet
- Gregor - The Metamorphosis
We hope, that you find the right name for your geeky pup. Please, check out ours other great name ideas bellow!
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