The Great Dane is one of the largest dog breeds in the world. But despite their impressive looks and distinctive lips, Great Danes are considered very friendly, calm dogs that need affection and lighten their weight when cuddling with people.
The fact that a Great Dane commands awe with its size is very positive in some situations. they are also very popular as guard dogs. An attentive four-legged friend initially observes a stranger with some distrust, although they rarely bark or even growl. Usually, this is not necessary, because which of them would voluntarily go into conflict with a large Great Dane? In fact, the Great Dane has a very high threshold and shows no aggressive or aggressive behavior. They are considered very peaceful when dealing with people or other animals.
If you are not afraid of giant dogs, Great Dane is a great choice for you. A loving, protective and caring breed will be a great companion for you and your family. But you're here for names, right? And yes, we have hundreds of them. We know, naming your dog is a difficult task. So, take a look and pick the most fitted one.
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Popular names
Most popular names for these Giants.
- Dip
- Stripes
- Hugo
- Pingu
- Skye
- Tux
- Blotches
- Coal
- Stein
- Sapphire
- Patches
- Fawn
- Peppermint
- Alrik
- Blossom
- Otis
- Fritz
- Amber
- Chev
- Franz
- Axel
- Goldy
- Manila
- Blondie
- Tiger
- Tiger
- Iron
- Matilda
- Ada
- Brindi
- Zaffre
- Mono
- Hazel
- Yukon
- Skunky
- Tuxedo
- Thunder
- Puffin
- True
- Moose
- Boggle
- Azure
- Freckles
- Raven
- Dash
- Hans
- Dash
- Tapir
- Oreo
- Domino
- Aldo
- Edgar
- Storm
- Onyx
- Shadow
- Sky
- Patty
- Neptune
- Spotty
- Panda
- Steel
- Chess
- Specky
- Slate
- Pluto
- Rain
- Mosaic
- Royal
- Sharky
- Amery
- Stone
- Butterscotch
- Cerulean
- Cheddar
- Sarge
- Fossil
- Ursa
- Camo
- Wheaten
- Tawny
- Heidi
- Lead
- River
- Bear
- Olga
- Wallace
- Cobalt
- Fleck
- Aspen
- Lemur
- Denali
- Poppy
- Ink
- Blue
- Pebbles
- Navy
- Hunter
- Keys
- Shady
- Puffin
Female names
Getting female Great Dane? Check this out, great names for your big girl.
- Bitsie
- Tyra
- Cora
- Octavia
- Gaia
- Ruth
- May
- Sheba
- Rio
- Bree
- Lacey
- Izzy
- Rosie
- Harlow
- Lolita
- Scarlett
- Pandora
- Trudy
- Eve
- Reagan
- Serena
- Phoebe
- Bridget
- Nayla
- Liberty
- Jamie
- Rebel
- Daenerys
- Princess
- Willow
- Tess
- Liza
- Luna
- Leia
- Nyx
- Saber
- Dottie
- Minnie
- Arya
- Joy
- Delilah
- Gracie
- Aurora
- Portia
- Page
- Freya
- Maxi
- Willow
- Queenie
- Kendra
- Sasha
- Saffy
- Aretha
- Missy
- Frida
- Gemini
- Ripley
- Dakota
- Attila
- Hera
- Olympia
- Harley
- Cagney
- Huntress
- Pearl
- Mercedes
- Trixie
- Diva
- Pixie
- Sidney
- Maddie
- Venus
- XenaPink
- Nova
- Koda
- Ruby
- Betsy
- Lakota
- Val
- Sequoia
- Indy
- Roxy
- Koda
- Hope
- Paris
- Duchess
- Zora
- Oprah
- Hillary
- Natasha
- Penelope
- Reese
- Jezebel
- Roxie
- Malibu
- Bertha
- Indiana
- India
- Zoey
- Bella
Male names
Big boy needs strong and big name.
- Rocco
- Boom
- Samson
- Thor
- Zane
- Tray
- Tyler
- Hooch
- Tank
- Ryder
- Rambo
- Vince
- King
- Augustus
- Ben
- Katana
- Sun
- Charlie
- Pax
- Grizzly
- Rico
- Sumo
- Godzilla
- Sam
- Diesel
- Primo
- Brutus
- Amir
- Bronco
- Dallas
- Leo
- Preston
- Goliath
- Clifford
- Mack
- Power
- Wolf
- Burly
- Mars
- Wes
- King
- Beamer
- Tucker
- Kingsley
- Tracker
- Sarge
- Alfie
- Dax
- Hugh
- Grey
- Rocky
- Dane
- Sergeant
- Khan
- Captain
- Titan
- Duke
- Hawkeye
- Sasquatch
- Guard
- Kai
- Hulk
- Champ
- Magnum
- Dumbell
- Roman
- Winston
- Mack
- Caesar
- Boomer
- Tank
- Dozer
- Cream
- Jett
- Houston
- Kong
- Brawn
- Ben
- Denver
- Trapper
- Vegas
- Cooper
- Soldier
- Gladiator
- Heath
- Trent
- Phoenix
- Sentinel
- Romeo
- Kahuna
- Ranger
- Apollo
- Legend
- Drake
- Hercules
- Crash
- Maverick
- Zander
- Jackson
- Berlin
Cool names
Do we need to say more? Of course, they're pretty cool!
- Whirl
- Chase
- Balmy
- Secret
- Wind
- Drizzle
- Zing
- Light
- Steve
- Archie
- Snow
- Krypto
- Gunner
- Den
- Hooch
- Rapture
- Rome
- Alpha
- Ludo
- Reef
- Dollar
- Racer
- Euro
- Gift
- Napolean
- Quarry
- Echo
- Pedro
- Trick
- Master
- Splash
- Attic
- Slash
- Vanilla
- Washington
- Toto
- Leopold
- Chipper
- Pine
- Angus
- Cupcake
- Ike
- Sandy
- Kit
- Jazz
- Char
- Merlot
- Buddy
- Tease
- Axe
Funny names
Big and strong, but sometimes funny and silly. Best name ideas.
- Brunhilda
- Bunny
- Stinky
- Twinkie
- Dilbert
- Gonzo
- Skip
- Marge
- Ursula
- Flo
- Spud
- Sweetie
- Homer
- Nacho
- McGruff
- Corky
- Pee Wee
- Waldo
- Trouble
- Fabio
- Chunk
- Bubba
- Pinky
- Frito
- Babushka
- Spanx
- Squeaky
- Cupid
- Olga
- Beaker
- Boss
- Biscuit
- Dude
- Cutie
- Tamale
- Nugget
- Yoda
- Tankerbell
- Jaba
- Opie
- Ole
- Kitty
- Bacon
- Chuck Norris
- Cheeto
- Chica
- Toto
- Taco
- Romeo
- Myrtle
- Cletus
- Frodo
Cute ones
Especially puppy ones are the cutest thing ever.
- Dazzle
- Delight
- Squirrel
- Violet
- Furry
- Kate
- Sweetie
- Bloom
- Chaplin
- Sunny
- Delight
- Splendor
- Waggles
- Darling
- Snuggles
- Tickles
- Beauty
- Honey
- Cherub
- Fairy
- Blossom
- Charm
- Wonder
- Divine
- Nice
- Tommy
- Peach
- Sweetpea
- Rick
- Missy
- Glossy
- Cutiepie
- Dream
- Tom
- Rose
- Celine
- Tinkle
- Butter
- Jam
- Pickle
- Tulip
- Dearie
- Smarty
- Bambi
- Pippin
- Twiglet
- Snookums
- Pinkie
- Treacle
- Flower
Mythology names
With their huge and strong posture, they are like gods and goddesses among dogs.
- Phanes – Primeval God of procreation
- Athena – Goddess of reason, wisdom and intelligence
- Gaia – Primeval goddess of the earth
- Charis – Goddesses of charm and beauty
- Hypnos – God of sleep
- Typhon – God of monsters
- Eirene – Goddess of peace
- Hades – God of the dead
- Tartarus – God of the depths of the underworld
- Nyx – Goddess of night
- Helios – God of the sun
- Ocea – God of salt water
- Persephone – Queen of the underworld and goddess of spring growth
- Pallas – God of warfare
- Pan – God of woods
- Erebus – God of darkness
- Asclepius – God of health and medicine
- Hera – Queen of the gods and goddess of marriage
- Aura – Goddess of the breeze
- Psyche – Goddess of the soul
- Phaethon – God of Dios
- Morpheus – God of dreams and sleep
- Eirene – Spirit of peace and goddess of the springtime
- Zephyrus – God of the West Wind
- Ura – God of the sky
- Chronos – God of time
- Plutus – God of wealth
- Eurus – God of the East Wind
- Styx – Goddess of the river Styx
- Hestia – Virgin goddess of the hearth and home
- Caerus – God of luck and opportunity
- Hephaestus – God of fire
- Momus – God of blame
- Iris – Goddess of the rainbow and divine messenger
- Aether – God of light
- Dike – Goddess of justice
- Poseidon – God of the sea
- Demeter – Goddess of grain and agriculture
- Hermes – God of flight, thieves, commerce and travelers
- Harmonia – Goddess of harmony and concord
- Nike – Goddess of victory
- Thalia – Goddess of festive celebrations
- Dionysus – God of wine and pleasure
- Hymenaeus – God of weddings
- Artemis – Virgin goddess of the hunt and wilderness
- Atlas – God of astronomy
- Brizo – Patron goddess of sailors
- Ja – God of doors, gates and choices
- Selene – Titan goddess of the moon
- Kratos – God of strength and power
- Apollo – God of the Sun
- Aeolus – God of air and the winds
- Thanatos – God of death
- Aphrodite – Goddess of beauty and love
- Bia – God of violence
- Alastor – God of family feuds
- Triton – God of ships
- Hemera – Goddess of day
- Boreas – God of the North Wind
- Pandora – First human woman in Greek mythology
- Prometheus – God of forethought and crafty counsel
- Notus – God of the South Wind
- Ares – God of war
- Zeus – God of lightning, thunder, and the heavens
- Geras – God of old age
- Zelus – God of dedication
- Ersa – Goddess of the morning dew
German names
Great Dane or Great Mastiff or Deutsche Dogge is German breed. Why not use origin name?
- Wallace
- Lukas
- Herman
- Moritz
- Ada
- Bing
- Wolfgang
- Greta
- Isa
- Fritz
- Olga
- Axel
- Franz
- Rena
- Hans
- Otis
- Heidi
- Petra
- Aldo
- Hugo
- Matilda
- Herbert
- Stein
- Gretchen
- Leon
- Mina
- Alrik
- Elsie
- Amery
- Edgar
Names inspired by coat color
Big variety of coat colors gives us plenty of name ideas.
- Powder
- Crystal
- Sugar
- Snowy
- January
- Snowball
- Ghost
- Al Bino
- Casper
- Bones
- Marshmallow
- Dove
- Bianco/Bianca
- Winter
- Gardenia
- Blizzard
- Ivory
- Polar
- Ice
- Frosty
- Pearl
- Cotton
- Alabaster
- Boo
- Enigma
- Jet
- Thunder
- Shade
- Shady
- Ember
- Cinder
- Ebony
- Crow
- Midnight
- Onyx
- Raven
- Ash
- Mystery
- Coal
- Elvira
- Tarmac
- Nero
- Stormy
- Poe
- Olive
- Pepper
- Morticia
- Preta/Preto
- Zorro
- Smokey
- Espresso
- Noir
- Black Jack
- Shadow
- Inky
- Sienna
- Summer
- Goldy
- Wheaten
- Blondie
- Mocha
- Heath
- Charlie Brown
- Chewbacca
- Teddy
- Poppy
- Honey
- Moose
- Pumpernickel
- Bambi
- Cheddar
- Russet
- Java
- Sesame
- Marron
- Ginger
- Peaches
- Chestnut
- Chip
- Maple
- Manila
- Amber
- Butterscotch
- Oak
- Kobicha
- Buff
- Prairie
- Cocoa
- Sahara
- Tanner
- Woody
- Bean
- Braun
- Hershey
- Hazel
- Bear
- Peanut Butter
- Tawny
- Cashew
- Brownie
- Terra
- Sandy
- Almond
- Copper
- Penny
- Sunny
- Brun
- Kahlua
- Tan
- Topaz
- Beige
- Khaki
- Fawn
- Sepia
- Acorn
- Porter
- Camo
- Nutella
- Caramelo
- Umber
- Sundae
- Oriole
- Brownie
- Cocoa
- Stripes
- Kahlua
- Rolo
- Brindi
- Reese
- Sarge
- Raisin
- Tootsie
- Cadbury
- Chev
- Godiva
- Tortie
- Caramel
- Inky
- Tiger
- Heath
- Guiness
- Hickory
- Hershey
- Patches
- Smudge
- Merle
- Dottie
- Harlow
- Freckles
- Dot
- Harley
- Pebbles
- Pixel
- Jackson
- Puzzle
- Blotch
- Checkers
- Pollock
- Spot
- Marble
- Sprinkles
- Blot
- Kaleidoscope
- Speck
- Speckles
- Mosaic
- Stone
- Cerulean
- Aqua
- Grey
- Gray
- Storm
- Dusty
- Ash
- Cobalt
- Silver
- Navy
- Azure
- Pewter
- Slate
- Teal
- Misty
- Sky
- Sapphire
- Flint
- Blue
- Fog
- Cyan
- Marine
- Oreo
- Shamu
- Jeeves
- Puffin
- Snoopy
- Tuxedo
- Whaley
- Peppermint Patty
- Skunky
- Spade
- Perdita
- Cruella
- Soccer
- Dice
- Pongo
- Chess
- Cookie
- Panda
- Ying Yang
- Pepe Le Pew
- Monk
- Domino
- Tux
We're happy for helping you picking up the right name for your gentle giant. Please, check out our other great name ideas bellow!
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